12 October 2008

crazy old people

Hugo and I have long yearned for old age and our expectations that it will allow us complete and total freedom from the self consciousness so characteristic of youth.

It's happening - slowly, as it should. As we age, we increasingly lean toward wearing whatever we damn please and acting however we damn want. It is safe to say, however, that we're far from our ideals.

So, in the sprint of being (finally) in our third decade of life, let this blog be our guiding light: Advanced Style. It's a chronicle of what old people wear, and I really love it.

07 October 2008


I got a ficus bonsai for my 30th. It's 21 years old. I dote over it (no surprise) nearly daily. It's definitely a family member. We've got two adults, a betta fish named Michael Phelps, an army of orchids, and now bonsai. My family is almost complete.

Just look at that root system!