24 December 2008

ladyslipper, i bid thee farewell

The ladyslipper is not destined for much longer. We are going out of town for one week and I expect it to be done by the time we return. So, here are two final photos. 

19 December 2008

Grand Finale: Ladyslipper 16

Stem height: 8"
Bloom width: 4"
Bloom height: 3"
Gestation: 5+ weeks
Anticipated lifespan of full bloom: +/- 1 week.

18 December 2008


I have always really loved coyotes. Hardly anyone does, it seems. Just found this blog by a woman in Wyoming who rescued a coyote pup (whose parents were shot) and raised it. Really amazing. Things like this make me want to return to rural life.

17 December 2008

ladyslipper 15

3/4 open.

16 December 2008

ladyslipper 14

overnight change.

15 December 2008

L.M., can you build this for me?

Private Library from A Space In Time on Vimeo.

lucky ladyslipper 13

more opening.

13 December 2008

ladyslipper 12

starting to open...

12 December 2008

ladyslipper 11

This bloom has grown for over a month.

08 December 2008

ladyslipper 10

BIRTH OF THE LADY SLIPPER. (This is taking forever!)

05 December 2008


I walked out of my office on Wednesday to go to the bathroom. Laurie and Stevie will really appreciate this post because they used to work in McNeal hall. I heard music, then I saw lots of people dancing in the atrium on all three floors. This is usually a very quiet building. I was confused and amazed! Laurie figured out what it was. Fun!

04 December 2008

ladyslipper 9

Huge: the bud is almost 2 inches long and the stem is about 5 inches tall.

01 December 2008

ladyslipper 8

Such a long gestation. Such dramatic change. Careful observers will notice how its head has turned around.